Differences between the United States and Spain

I believe that traveling is so important in order to more fully understand others culture, and to learn how the importance of respecting those who are different than we are. It also causes a person to grow and be more cultured, as well as better themselves. My first real trip abroad was definitely very different than the trips inside the United States. It also caused me to want even more out of the trips that I take that are not international. I wanted to share a few of the differences I found between the United States and Spain. While these differences may not represent the country as a whole, they are differences of the places I have been in both countries. 

  1.  Language : Of course this is a given! But even the language is a different type of Spanish than the usual Tex-Mex I am used to. While I was able to say a few words I remembered from high school (Thank you Señora Turner) I was able to understand much more than I could speak. 
  2. Culture : Every country has multiple customs that are unique to it. One of the customs that we saw was bull fighting. While I did not particularly enjoy this, I was glad to be able to observe the culture difference. 
  3. Time : While there is a significant time difference, I think really mean the time that the people in Spain take is very different! The culture has more of a relaxed feel which I enjoyed. They also siesta, and eat very late at night which I admit I am very used to!!
While there were actually many differences, there were even more similarities. The clothing had similar trends, the people were very welcoming, and the sports fans were the same! We were there while Real Madrid won a championship (I'm guessing because there was a huge trophy) and the city went crazy! Just like our sports fans here.

Cami : SheIn  // Printed Shorts : Voge Boutique (similar



  1. I honestly thought your outfit was a romper! You had me fooled

    1. It's just tucked in! But that would be a cute romper!

  2. Cute photos!! I hope you had a great time! Also, I absolutely love the came you are wearing!


    1. Cami! Auto correct ruins everything! Lol

    2. I had an amazing time and yes auto correct always gets the best of us!

  3. Mi lindo Toledoooooo, que maravilloso es. Los tips son geniales. Un besazo.

    Te dejo mi nuevo post por aquí,

    1. It really is amazing! I'll check out your new post!

  4. This looks like an incredible trip beautiful babe! I think traveling is the most important thing you can do in your life to learn and grow.

    xo Elizabeth | stylewich.com

  5. this is such an amazing and interessteing post.
    I never was in the USA before,
    so some of These Points are really new to me :D

    with love your AMELY ROSE

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